ITS Recruitment Privacy Policy  

Last Updated February 2024

Thinking of joining the ITS orbit? We respect your right to privacy throughout the entire application and recruitment voyage – and beyond.  


This Recruitment Privacy Policy gives you a transparent look at the types of personal data we may collect from you as you navigate this site. It also explains why we collect that information, how we process it, and how that processing might affect you.

1. What Do We Mean by “Personal Data”? 

“Personal data” includes the constellation of information that identifies you or relates to you. 


When you apply for a position aboard the ITS crew, we ask for some personal data to get to know you better and to see if you’re a good fit for our mission (for specific examples, jump down to section 4: “What Types of Personal Data Do We Collect?”). 


We may also get personal data from outside the ITS orbit, such as from references you provide, recruitment agencies, and online sources (such as on your Facebook or LinkedIn profiles or via Google). 


Note that not all personal data is created equally. Some information about you is considered by law (and by us!) to be “sensitive personal data” and is subject to special protections. During the recruitment process, we try not to collect or process any sensitive personal data. Examples include information that reveals your racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, health, sexual orientation, or trade union membership.  

2. What Does “Processing” Your Personal Data Mean? 

“Processing” just means doing anything with your personal data, such as collecting it, storing it, sharing it, or deleting it. For example, if you apply for a position with ITS and provide your name and email address, we may process that information by safely storing it here on the mothership (i.e., in our database) until we reach out to you for an interview. 


Your personal data will be seen internally by members of our human resources (HR) crew and may also be shared with ITS administrators, our legal team, managers, or directors. 

3. Why Do We Collect Your Personal Data? 

We’re not just nosy, we promise you. We ask for information about you for specific reasons, such as the following:  


• To determine your eligibility for a position with ITS, including processing your application, assessing your suitability for a role, conducting interviews, carrying out background and reference checks, and keeping hiring records 

• To comply with our legal obligations such as tax, immigration, and anti-discrimination laws 

• To protect our company’s data and data security, including detecting security incidents and protecting against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity 

• To manage potential public safety risks, including in relation to COVID-19, for anyone, including applicants, who comes onsite 

• To fulfill other business and operational purposes, like onboarding new crew members  


We may also process or disclose your personal data if we’re required by law, regulation, court order, or administrative order to do so. 

4. What Types of Personal Data Do We Collect? 

We access or collect information about our superstar applicants as part of the recruitment process. That personal data falls into these categories:  


• Contact information: For example, your name, alias, and other names, email address, phone number, home address, driver license number, provincial ID card number, passport number, and other unique personal identifiers.  

• Educational, professional, and employment-related information: Information about your current and past jobs, your education history and transcripts, professional licenses you hold, your English proficiency level, personal and professional references, and information that referrers provide us about you. This also includes classifications protected under provincial or federal employment and/or human rights laws (such as race or ethnic origin), and information related to whether you need special accommodation during the application process.  

• Background information: Including previous employment, criminal, or credit information that we’ll need to employ you.  

• Information related to work authorization: This might include national identifiers such as your immigration status, nationality, national ID, passport, social security number, or visa status.  

• Social media: Your public profile, posts, or blogs on any social media accounts you choose to openly share, such as your LinkedIn profile.  

• Videos or photographs: These may be captured through recruitment operations, including video interviews. 


(We collect and use the above information only as permitted or required by, and in compliance with, law.) 

5. Is ITS in Compliance with Costa Rica’s Personal Data Protection Law?  

Yes. ITS complies with the laws and regulations regarding Data protection in Costa Rica as regulated by Law No. 8968, on the Protection of Persons Regarding the Processing of their Personal Data (referred to here as the “Law”). Regulation of the Law is overseen by the Costa Rican Data Protection Authority (ProdHab).  


Because ITS is a recruiting website and is not commercializing the data we collect, and because we provide channels for you to request your personal data deleted, we are not required to register with ProdHab, which is in compliance with Law No. 8968. Your consent can be revoked at any time.

6. How Long Do We Keep Your Personal Data? 

If you’re hired by ITS, your data will be kept by the HR crew, in your employee file. If not, and we have no ongoing legitimate business need to process your personal data, we’ll securely delete the information or anonymize it.  


This generally means your data will be kept for the duration of the application process plus a reasonable amount of time after confirmation that your application was unsuccessful. 

7. What Rights Do You Have Regarding Your Personal Data? 

When it comes to your personal data, you’re the commander of your ship. It’s your universal legal right to request a description of the personal data we hold about you as well as an explanation as to why we’re doing so. 


You also have a legal right to have your personal data corrected or deleted, or to object to or restrict its processing. To exercise any of these rights, please email us at [email protected] 

8. Does ITS Use Cookies and Other Analytics Tools? 

Yes, the ITS website uses cookies and web analytics to improve the user experience. To be as transparent as possible, here’s a breakdown of what each feature is and how it works. 

What is a cookie? 

Like intelligent antennae, cookies are small files placed on your computer or device, where they collect data, store and remember your preferences, and otherwise streamline your experience with the website. 

How are cookies used by ITS? 

Some cookies are required for our basic website operation, while others let us track the interests of our site visitors or collect analytics to enhance the website or the visitor experience. 

Can I control cookies? 

You’re the boss when it comes to your cookies! By adjusting your computer’s privacy settings, you have the power to permit or prohibit various levels of cookies from being placed on the hard drive of your computing device. 


Your web browser may also have a setting that allows you to automatically send a “do not track” message to the websites you visit. However, ITS does not utilize technology that permits it to handle those requests, so it’s up to you to deploy this feature. 

Does ITS use other web analytics? 

Yes, ITS also uses on-site web analytics, which is the measurement, collection, analysis, and reporting of data gathered while a person is online visiting a particular web page. On-site web analytics are used to understand how site visitors interact with a page so that, for example, the site may be improved.